Friday, March 7, 2025

Karakia ki te taonga

Te karakia 
Whakairiiri, Whakairiiri
Whakairiiri tẽnei taonga ohooho 
Tenei taonga puipuiaki 
Tẽnei taonga tuku iho, 
Nã Ranginui e tū ake ana 
Nā Papatūānuku e takoto tonu ne Whakakiikii! Whakakiikii! Kua tau.

Bless, bless
Bless this treasure of great value
This treasure precious treasure
This treasure handed down.
From Ranginui ever standing
From Papatuanuku still lying here
Let it be said, let it be said.
It has been settled.

This is a karakia to bless a taonga or some thing from the natural world. 

I have learnt some more about Pounamu so have added this below.
Ka tuhi au ki raro enei matau mō te kaupapa nei. 

Ngā Korero Poto
  • Te Wai pounamu  sometimes also know as Te Wāhi Pounamu the place of green stone 
  •  Ahakoa he iti he pounamu - Although it is small it is precious
  • The main iwi associated with pounamu (greenstone) were Ngāi Tahu, particularly Poutini Ngāi Tahu on Te Tai Poutini (the West Coast of the South Island).
  • Today, the Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu has legal ownership of all naturally occurring pounamu in the Ngāi Tahu takiwā (tribal area)

Friday, November 22, 2024

He tinana

I te ako na ngā kupu o te tīnana

Kei te kohi ngā kupu ki roto ki te picture dictionary. E mahi ana ahau te āhua ki runga. 
Some rerenga
Ki tonu toku puku i te kai.
My stomach was absolutely full.
I ahatia tō raparapa?
What happened to your ankle?
Kua Tūpoto i kakati ngā waeroa.
Watch out the mosquitoes bite.
Other kupu