Working with Year Eight students on Digital storytelling aspects the following is the sketch of what and how we will work.
Most important part I think In the Session
- work out what we know
- have clear learning intentions
- interact with each other
- try to allow cognitive rehearsal for thinking
- create new personal knowledge
From an earlier collaboration with another teacher
the following are the learning intentions
What is a digital story ? Look at three of these on these sites.
Give 1 get 1. Move around the room give someone an idea about
What a digital story is ? and
- Story like
- Emotional
- One person speaking
- Transition of pictures
- Similar to a movie
- Pictures of what it is about
- About a personal view of someone
- Past tense
- Music or Song
- Pictures are still
- Pictures and voice describing
What it Isn’t
- A movie
- Made up
- Moving pictures
- Voices out of pictures
- Just all facts
Look at a factual survival story
Fact to fake narration
The students came up with these ideas
- Good hook
- Tense : generally Past/flashback. Present .Future
- 1st person 3 rd Person
- Ending in a question (keep people wondering)
- Balancing fact and experience/emotions
- Diary form
- Suspense
- Point of view
Read the article highlight important facts perhaps collect facts as a group. the article is too big and needs to be reduced if one session is used for whole activity.
Write this as a narration
Reflect at end what was good learning what wasn’t any comment you would like to make.