My Mum -- Dorothy Winter -- Was a teacher
She Motivated me to be a life long learner.
The pics in this header show her as a young school girl - to teacher.
I will be educhecking in her honour here at
“A school or schools operating in isolation is no longer good enough in my mind.” Why? this is the way things have always been done and it has worked.
The potential understanding of what is out there has changed we often apply this to our understanding of students learning. At the school level we are now seeing this take place and I am happy to be part of groups that are trying to network develop and connect on behalf of their regions. In New Zealand I think we are on the right track with regional capacity being developed by the key stakeholders. Regional groups extend pre-existing clusters and therefore connectivity. A fantastic example of this is
Manaiakalani an Auckland Community who are achieving multi dimensional improvements for their community. The result is a ambitious project that is looking to bring 1:1 to a community without huge financial resources and includes wireless internet access to homes supported by Housing New Zealand.
This community is trying to transform itself led it seems by the Tamaki Transformation Programme Board. The complexity of successful change makes it vital that we look beyond ourselves and look to others while understanding that the sharing.
So what are the features of this project that we could look to for our preferred futures????
Long term vision and community ownership of outcomes
No constraining of dreams big expansive goals such as bringing connectivity to students in their homes
Working with multiple agencies and supports
Housing New Zealand
Work and Income New Zealand
External consultancies eg Hapara putting interface layer over google docs that is purpose built for learners and schools.
Folksonomies by this I mean communities of goodwill eg software developers
Focus on student achievement and well being
Connected thinking and community
So what do we need to do? At a regional level we can use presently operating networks such as principals associations and curriculum interest groups and add to them further collaborations with. Think LONG TERM
The willing
Charitable Trusts
Regional and local councils
Multiple Govt agencies
Tertiary institutions
Community Educational Leaders
I like this video which tells a story about why collaborations are so powerful