Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Going Mobile

This Is my first mobile post. 

Typed/swyped mainly on a mobile. What I'd like to push myself to do is be more transformative in my actions. Lately I have become read alot (obsessed) about what features are to be available in the latest version of Google Android versus Apple's iOS.
This is an area that is changing so fast that new utility,applications and features are being added daily. 
There are people writing and reflecting on this even more often. We can read multiple updates and perspectives on this as easily as going to the web or even easy if we have them come to us using aggregation (reader) software.
My feeling is that we are a bit myopic in our adoption of Apple products fantastic though they are; without enough people testing other ways of doing things. My reading would tell me there is some realistic basis to this ie that the alternative are not without merit or functionality.

So There is some purpose to this Reading/Finding out but it is limited.
  • preparing for purchase decisions 
  • predicting future capability 
  • finding useful applications 
  • to be knowledgeable in the area of rapid change
  • this is the fastest developing focus area for new tech
There are a few downsides
  • lack of impact beyond the above
  • this can become a habitual response 
  • more passive than active 
  • comes at opportunity cost for other learning 
  • often relates to content acquisition rather creativity or adding value
So to break the cycle ...

I am limiting myself to set periods of reflection and to keeping a focus on 
the relationship of this learning to what it can bring for schools and learners as a result. When I read and follow I will put the GEMS into this blog or spaces for others. 

And on that note...

A great tool for android are the swype type keyboards have a look at this video to see how they work. Think this works on iOS but only jail broken phones/pods/pads.
This shows touchpal but swype is another great one.