Here are some thoughts from some of the Makerspace sessions at ISTE 2014
The Makerspace website describes them "simply, makerspaces are community centers with tools."
The Makerspace website describes them "simply, makerspaces are community centers with tools."
Many Schools are looking to provide such a space for learning and making. As a developing trend/concept this seems to be changing over time.
A makerspace may not necessarily a physical room. It seems is to be about the idea that people learn when given the chance to build authentic projects.
- Boys see technology as a toy
- Girls see technology as a tool
- This has an implication for the making that takes place
- There is a relationship of making to project based learning
- We may be able to achieve more learning through the making challenge, motivation, and application to real problem solving.
- In terms of engineering and sophisticated electronics we need to chose carefully the age groups we present whole class challenges to.
How to get started and get buy in
Products to use
- Start something small with a big buzz.
- Get the parents on board by having them experience making
- Have a student leadership group to help others
- Kids spear head collecting
Products to use
- Makey makey is under 50 a good mindset start point uses the computer as a keyboard. The website
- sparkfun arduino inventor
Places to learn
- coursera tinkering
- silvias super awesome
- Invent to learn
- Makerspace playbook
- fuse - north western tech illinois