Having attended the CS firehose at ISTE in Chicago I reconnected with the scratch team by following them on twitter. @ScratchEdTeam . I found out about getting unstuck through that and have started.
So here is my first project
New learning
- Use glide to make movement look natural
- The motion blocks will take on the position of the sprite
Digital tote resources
Add to digital tote | Go to my digital tote
Add to digital tote | Go to my digital tote
Description: Lifelong Kindergarten by Mitch Resnick
Description: Lifelong Kindergarten by Mitch Resnick
Description: National Council for Women and Information Technology
Description: National Council for Women and Information Technology
Description: Josh Caldwell: Creative Coding
Description: No Fear Coding
Description: No Fear Coding
Description: WeTeach_CS ISTE 2018 Conference Presentation
Description: WeTeach_CS ISTE 2018 Conference Presentation
Description: CS 2018 Firehose Announcement
Description: CS 2018 Firehose Announcement
Description: ISTE CS Firehose 2018 Program
Description: ISTE CS Firehose 2018 Program
Description: Google: Using CS First to Teach Foundational Computer Science (Grades 4-9)
Description: Google: Using CS First to Teach Foundational Computer Science (Grades 4-9)