Nā wai
I pīki Jude ki runga i te Karahgahake maunga mō titiro i te whenua ki raro.
Nā wai i pīki ki runga i te maunga.
Nā wahine hoa i pīki ki runga i te maunga
I mahana Keith tōna waewae ki mua i te ahi.
Nā wai mahana tōna waewae?
Nā Keith mahana tōna waewae.
I hīkoi au i waho ki te Novotel Tainui i tera wiki.
Nā wai i whakāhua i tēnei pikitia.
Nāku i whakāhua i tēnei pikitia mō ngā tuna.
I makariri rātou ki titiro i te kemu netipōro inātahira
Nā wai i makariri i te kemu netipōro inātahira
Nā rātou i makariri i te kemu netipōro inātahira.
I hī ika Stephen inanahi.
Nā wai i hī ika inanahi.
Nā Stephen i hī ika mō tōna waka,
Mō te akomanga i tērā wiki.
I tapata papa i te rakau i tēra mutunga wiki.
Nā wai i tapata i te rakau
Nā papa i tapata i te rakau
I whiu te pepe i ngā taptapu
I uwhiuwhi taku tama inapō
Nā wai i uwhiuwhi inapō
Nā ia i uwhiuwhi inapō
Kupu hou
kūaha - door
Kapata - cupboard
Pōkai - fold
Mamae - sore
Taptapu things, devices equipment.
Tātahi - beach
Hī ika - catch fish
Tapata - cut
hinga - fall
korokoro - throat
tūmanako - hope wish for
Rongorongo - smell
Hakari - feast
ka wani kē clever
tatari wait
He whakamārama | Meaning
E whai take ana, i takea mai i ngā pūtake e mōhiotia ana he pono, e whakaarotia ana rānei he pono, he tōtika. E ū ana ki te pono, e ū ana rānei ki ngā pūtake e mōhiotia ana, e whakaarotia ana rānei he pono.
The concept of correctness or being right is a base principle that applies to all tikanga. Practice of a particular tikanga needs to be correct and right, and should be considered alongside what is true and valid to Māori culture.