Saturday, April 10, 2021

Kupu o te wiki tahi

Kei te ako tonu au i te reo Māori.

I am still l learning te reo Māori.

This post (Rangitaki) is a learning object for me to check I am making progress.

What I learnt

Ī te ako tonu au - i was still learning te reo Māori

He aha te roa? How long is it

Toko - rod

Whīra - wheel

Ka rawē - awesome

Waka tinei ahi - fire engine

Whiti rau - 700

Haere ki te kainga au - I am going home

Aromatawai - assessment

Commitment to Kaupapa words 

Each time I will try and check against the actual. Once I have got this all green I will look at something else to commit to.



Rangitu - Empowered

Rangitū - e māna ana

Rangiwhawha - ubiquitous 

Rangiwhāwhā - e horahora ana

Ariari - visible

Ariari - e kite ana

Rangitamiro - Connected

Rangitāmiro - e hono ana